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Find inspiration & feed your passion! Join earth's most rewarding photo community.


Find inspiration & feed your passion! Join earth's most rewarding photo community.


Install the NatureSnap mobile app available in Google Play store for android OS and in App Store for IOS. Once registration is completed , user can go ahead and capture pictures,videos, related to required discussions & agreements.

NatureSnap Mobile App

After clicking on NatureSnap icon you can see NatureSnap application.


Register in
NatureSnap Mobile App

Enter the required login information.Select the checkbox against "Agree Terms & Conditions" . Click on Register button. You will be registered in the NatureSnap.

Login With
NatureSnap Mobile App

Once, successfully registered, you can go ahead and login with your credential..


Forgot Password
NatureSnap Mobile App

If you Forgot the password then change here

Location Access
NatureSnap Mobile App

After login you will see this Home page where you can see all the options.Make sure your current location is displayed in the screenHere users needs to turn on their location and make their device access the location.


Open Camera
NatureSnap Mobile App

Once click the camera icon then open Camera

Capture Image With
NatureSnap Mobile App

After clicking a picture here we get two options that is retry and ok


Upload Count
NatureSnap Mobile App

The image is uploaded and you can see the count of how many picture have you captured

Uploading File
NatureSnap Mobile App

After clicking on upload icon the file gets uploaded


Gallery With
NatureSnap Mobile App

Here click on the gallery icon then search gallery page is opend.when you hover the mouse icon on any image the image details will be shown.There you can like our image and buy our image, and if you want to see large image click on the eye icon.

Participate with
NatureSnap Mobile App

Here you click on the Contest icon then you can view that list of contestants Gallery, who ever participated to the contest.


Add to Contest with
NatureSnap Mobile App

Here you can view the list of your own images, and select the image & Participate to the particular contest.

Participate page With
NatureSnap Mobile App

Then Click on the add contest button it will openup a popup screen.


Select Catagory With
NatureSnap Mobile App

If you select the category then the respected catagories will be shown below in the dropdown.

Choose Category with
NatureSnap Mobile App

If you select the one of the category from the dropdown list ,then the popup will be appeared showing participate button


Payment With
NatureSnap Mobile App

After clicking on paticipate button you will be redirected to payment page then after payment the user will be redirected to contest and the clicked photo will be uploaded.

Change Password with
NatureSnap Mobile App

If you want to change the password then give your old password and give a new password


Logout With
NatureSnap Mobile App

When you want to get out of the app then you have to click on logout button

Connection failed: Access denied for user 'jwproddb'@'boscustweb5204.eigbox.net' (using password: YES)